Learned Circlet of Albus

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Learned Circlet of Albus


Mercurial Ritual Loop for Scholarship and Mental Clarity

A beaded magical assemblage from a limited batch run – ritually consecrated over a three-month period with prayers, oils, and perfumes – designed to aid in scholarly research, mental acuity, technical eloquence, improving memory and recall, and for assisting in all ingenious works of study and pedagogy as well as combating brain-fog.

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These beaded circlets of Albus are strung with ensorcelled labradorite and wisdom-carrying camel bone, conjured by specially-formulated Mercurial perfumes, and asperged by herbs of memory-boosting rosemary, along with consecrated oils and powders of Mercury empowered by its Ruling Spirit Taphthartharath. They can be worn to assist in all works of study, writing, learning, and teaching, aiding us in cutting through tiredness, confusion, and information overwhelm to bring mental clarity, technical precision, and intellectual ingenuity; as well as laid out to demarcate ritual spaces for empowering materia, spellcrafts, and spiritwork for these scholarly endeavours.

This can range from assisting good study habits of organisation, insight, and comprehension, to helping us begin, work through, and complete particular writing projects and presentations. These circlets can also act as particularly potent tools in the arsenal of the spiritual teacher, diviner, and researcher who consults or advises, and who may require additional support for explicating complicated ideas, communicating with both articulacy and exactitude, and marshalling research material into practicable wisdom.

Working with these ritual tools can especially assist those suffering from mental drain, fatigue, or difficulties focusing or expressing their ideas: whether struggling to complete a piece of writing, organise a lesson-plan, or otherwise scaffold informational architectures. They can be of particular help in getting the most out of our books, source materials, and research projects.

Working with an Albus circlet can be as simple as wearing it when organising our workspaces, presenting a class, or sitting down to draft solutions, complete cerebral undertakings, re-engage our studies, or conjure tutelary shades; as well as using them to encircle magical materials, tools, icons, and talismans to charge and empower them with additional intellective virtues while intoning paeans to Mercury, or to delineate ritual spaces in which divination and conjuration of Mercurial spirits can more effectively be conducted.

They are dedicated magical circuits cohering, radiating, and organising Mercury’s Airy communicative virtues. They may very well present their own unique utilities to experienced spiritworkers with ears to hear their spirits speaking; while those new to such geomantic magics are always welcome to message Dr Cummins for further instructions and ideas for working with them.