The Celestial Art: Essays on Astrological Magic


Alexander Cummins, ‘The Azured Vault: Astrological Magic in Seventeenth-century England‘, The Celestial Art: Essays on Astrological Magic, ed. by Austin Coppock & Daniel A. Schulke (Three Hands Press, 2018)

Astrology is, in essence, an occult science, whose principles underlie the vast majority of the hermetic tradition. Beyond the observation of stars and planets for omens auguring future events, the diverse celestial powers of the firmament have been drawn upon by theurgic and thaumaturgic magic. Carefully timed and engraved talismans sought to imbue earthly matter with the luminous power of planets and stars. What radiates in the heavens also gives forth its power on earth: in herbs, stones, animals, and in the affairs of humanity. Magicians have long sought to direct those emanations, to shape the below by means of the above.

The Celestial Art gathers together twelve essays on specific aspects of astrological magic, examining essence and practical application. Among the topics of research are Vedic Astrology, Alchemy, Greek Astrological Herbalism, the Planetary Magic of the Sābians of ancient Harrān, the place of the Celestial Art in early modern British Magic, and practical planetary sorcery.

Contributions to the volume include:

Aaron Cheak, PhD, Thigh of Iron, Thigh of Gold
Freedom Cole, The Pulsation of the Cosmos
Austin Coppock, A Feast of Starlight
Alexander Cummins, PhD, The Azured Vault
Demetra George, Thessalos of Tralles: On the Virtues of Herbs
Benjamin Dykes, The Planetary Magic among the Harrānian Sābians
John Michael Greer, Sources of Power in Medieval and Modern Magic
Lee Lehman, PhD, The Conjunction of Electional Astrology and Magic
Jason Miller, The Perfect and the Good
Eric Purdue, On Identifying Presiding Daemons and Geniuses from an Astrological Chart
Daniel A. Schulke, The Planetary Viscera of Witchcraft
Mallorie Vaudoise, Dark Matter

Purchase The Celestial Art here.