Readings for the Year Ahead: 2020 Discount

Once more Boxing Day is upon us, and once more the holiday season begins to drift to the old year's end. In this blurring of days counting down the finale of 2019, I am offering discounted readings for the assessment of 2020 ahead.

Blogging last year about the importance of divination on the year ahead, I remarked:

The end of the Gregorian calendar year presents us with an interesting time of reflection and planning for the year ahead. Honestly, even if it doesn't feel like it. The astrological year of course begins with the start of the cardinal fires of Spring, those awakening buds of new life and greening vitality returning to the land to begin again with Aries' vim and vigour. But the calendar year ending in December starts the secular New Year while still in Winter. For many of us, January can be somewhat of a dreary slog to that spring cleaning, stalled between the ending of the dying and the beginning of the reborn. We may even catch ourselves considering the first month a sort of dreadfully banal waiting room. Yet in this liminal antechamber we may find ourselves well-furnished to consider our plots, schemes and goals for the coming year ahead.

Divination is one of the main tools of not merely forecasting or fortune-telling, but of careful planning, deliberation, and prioritising.

As such, I am offering all geomancy readings booked during the rest of December and the first week of January at one-third off for folks wanting to begin planning their New Year. Geomancy, for those unfamiliar, is easily my favourite system of divination - offering both concrete practical answers and nuanced analysis of the interrelation of facets of a situation. I also present my readings with advice and suggestions for ritual actions, talismans, and sundries for securing blessings and avoiding or otherwise remediating warnings and cautions.

As I said last year:

January is an excellent time of year to book a reading: whether about a specific thing you would like to achieve this year, or a general forecast of what is attainable in the next twelve months. When you book a geomantic reading with me, you receive a shield chart and a detailed answer to your question, which includes a rundown of both the useful and potentially unhelpful patterns present in your life circumstances, as well as how to employ, avoid or even redirect these patterns. There is both a characterisation of the aspect/s of your life you ask about, and a verdict on what is likely to happen and how things will progress. If you specify you would like a Year Ahead reading, we will go through all twelve Houses to examine not simply one situation you would like clarification or advice on, but explore the totality of your days and ways ahead of you... Life, Money, Communications, Home, Creativity, Work, Partnerships, Ancestors, Spirituality, Career, Benefactors, and Obstacles.

For those interested in geomancy in more depth, you may also like to investigate my Geomancy Foundation course of webinar-based training offered once more through Wolf & Goat which begins Thursday 9th January 2020.